Sacred Silence Acupuncture
How Acupuncture Works for You
Acupuncture in Brooklyn is an effective form of health care and pain relief that has evolved into a complete holistic medical system. Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive medical system to diagnose and treat millions of people with chronic pain, and server and unclear health problems to get well and stay healthy.
Acupuncturists place fine sterile needles at specific acupoints on the body along “meridians” (specific pathways connected to organs and glands) to unblock stagnation within that particular meridian. Just as a river cannot flow when it is blocked, meridians cannot circulate blood and fluids properly when obstructed. Acupuncture needles are like keys that unlock doors that are blocking the free flow of blood and fluids.
This activates the body’s Qi (pronounced chee) and promotes natural healing by enhancing recuperative power, immunity, and physical and emotional health. It also improves overall function and well-being. It is a safe, and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
Relaxing acupuncture sessions to provide you with the highest level of health care for your entire body, mind and spirit. Effectively treat current health issues, and prevent future ones. Reach your full potential and give yourself the gift of becoming the strongest version of yourself.
Effective and immediate pain relief
Stress relief/emotional/psychological balance
Weight loss and addiction
Beauty, longevity, digestion, autoimmune conditions, menstrual irregularities, and much more!
Customized Herbal Prescriptions
Customize herbal formulas for your exact health goals, psychological challenges, and major life transitions.
Address psychological conditions and emotional challenges
Stress relief, chronic inflammation, and Lyme disease.
Insomnia, sex drive, digestion, headaches, menstrual problems and more.
Updated as needed through tongue, pulse, and abdominal diagnosis.
bookings are by appointment only!
440 Wilson Avenue, Suite 2, Brooklyn NY 11221
For bookings
please text 862.222.2571
to set and confirm your appointment!